21 Mart 2010 Pazar

child abuse...

when I was 13. My aunt was pregnant and my family was sent me to look after my aunt and her new born babe. new born babe was awful. when I look at her eyes firstly I thought How could I touch her. she was so innocent and could not live without someone. she had great eyes. now she is 8 and I love her so much and there is a unpredictible bound between us. although she lives in İzmir when I see her I can feel his emotions in my heart and it makes me really happy. Now I have a baby cousin too. she is my uncle's daughter and she is growing up with me. if I don't see her I can not sleep. If I don't kiss her I can not do anything. her smell and his smile is the biggest happiness for me. I know every woman has great feelings about kids because it is in our nature. the bound between me and children encourage me to be a teacher. I wish a world which every child were happy. when I see the children who were hurt by adults it make me so upset. I can't stand the dead bodies of children or his tears... all children are innocent...I come acroos the news about child abuse on tv or newspapers everyday. the world is getting worse. the adults can not satisfy with their peers and hurts the childs. stop the child abuse please! there is a lot of website or group to prevent it. their our future and our children's future are depends on them. please!

7 Mart 2010 Pazar

being a teacher

When I won this department I was really upset because I have wanted to be an academician during my life and study psychology. I love it so much and I want to study on it. After first term My ideas have changed fully . of course being psychologist seems great but being a guide is better. Education will miss al problems of world so the world need educated people me and my classmates will help to create well educated people. A lot of person thinks having the best guns bombs and money is the most important power. I don't agree. the power is on our mind. We should just try to use it. we will develop the children's educational process and they ll be succesful because of us. It sounds great because their succes is mine. I love being teacher and I should do this job during my life. They need me. It is a interesting feeling. every student became your own child and if they are sad u became sad if they are happy u are happier than them. Iwish all my students were succesfull on their lessons firstly I couldn't accept their failings but now I know everybody can not have same IQ and same responsibilities so every student can not be succesfull enough. each one is uniques and has different skills and my job is to develop these skills. the teacher who is in my photo is my friend from my work and the other one who use glasses is the my best student. he study @ a privite primary school and his grades are the highest ones. the other child in front of the teacher is my worst student. I wish he could not speak English. he has ADHD and his exam results are really bad but I love both of them and I help them in different situations so I can say what happens They need the teachers. I love my students!

3 Mart 2010 Çarşamba


Everyday I am getting older gradually,I have been spending my life for any purpose.ı am asking to myself that do I have any dream? Or something that is worthy to life for.Someone shows me some goals.only then,ı start to try achieve it.If nobody shows me any goal,ı try to find some temporary small basic things to live for.I am waiting for something ı don t know what it is but ı waiting..I feel tired and bored of everything.I do not consider life as very important or necessary.I do not have the sense of belonging to anything.I do not have a specific passion or a subject to improve myself through ıt.I am comparing myself to others to feel myself beter and to see there is nothing wrong about me.but there is,many people have some specific passions or hobbies but ı do not.I am trying to ımagine myself when I am 70s.In a white cool house with a small garden in ayvalık.time is towards end of september.fall is coming.most probably I will be alone,because,ı am always forcede to live in grief.so I have to feel that pain also.what ı mean is that my life friend will die earlier than me most probably. Anyway,ı ask to myself that am I going to be sorry for my this indifferency to life..I am asking to myself what will ı take beside me after ı die? What will ı need after I die.When ı get older what will make me happy? There are only questions but there is no answers..ı guess ı should not be asking.just obey the rules keep living monotonious life,otherwise ı may drive myself crazy