21 Mart 2010 Pazar

child abuse...

when I was 13. My aunt was pregnant and my family was sent me to look after my aunt and her new born babe. new born babe was awful. when I look at her eyes firstly I thought How could I touch her. she was so innocent and could not live without someone. she had great eyes. now she is 8 and I love her so much and there is a unpredictible bound between us. although she lives in İzmir when I see her I can feel his emotions in my heart and it makes me really happy. Now I have a baby cousin too. she is my uncle's daughter and she is growing up with me. if I don't see her I can not sleep. If I don't kiss her I can not do anything. her smell and his smile is the biggest happiness for me. I know every woman has great feelings about kids because it is in our nature. the bound between me and children encourage me to be a teacher. I wish a world which every child were happy. when I see the children who were hurt by adults it make me so upset. I can't stand the dead bodies of children or his tears... all children are innocent...I come acroos the news about child abuse on tv or newspapers everyday. the world is getting worse. the adults can not satisfy with their peers and hurts the childs. stop the child abuse please! there is a lot of website or group to prevent it. their our future and our children's future are depends on them. please!

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